Are you stuck on the "rollercoaster of inconsistent income?" We all know entrepreneurship is a marathon, not a sprint, but it can feel extra cumbersome when we're stuck in a marketing rut, drowning in admin tasks, or struggli...
Holy heck! Annie P. Ruggles' strategy novella and companion guide, "The Coach Who Would Not Sell" comes out today! To mark the occasion (and give Annie a bit of a break), we're bringing back our 1st ever LIVE episode - record...
We all know mindset is a critical tool for entrepreneurs - but is your mindset working harmoniously with your marketing, and vice versa? In the struggle to break through the noise and reach potential buyers, how do we ensure ...
What the heck does it actually mean to be a "natural leader?" And, if you're an un-natural leader, are you just out of luck? For being an isolated endeavor, solopreneurship sure demands a lot of people-wrangling. What skills ...
So - what do we do about the "just not your people" people? The bad fits? The awkward encounters? And - on the flipside - how can we ask for and receive support without feeling clingy, desperate, or amateur? It's time for a d...
Is joy fluffy or essential? A soft skill or a beacon? And on the flipside, is burnout a badge of honor? How can we keep the love alive in our small businesses, in spite of recessions, upheaval, bad news, and bitchy people? Un...
Mandy Moore, The Osbournes, Ashton Kutcher, The Millionaire Matchmaker - behind each media sensation, there was a helluva media/brand strategist - Vinnie Potestivo! As a network talent executive at MTV Networks from 1998 to 2...
Are you fully harnessing the power of live events in your business? Whether in-person, hybrid, or online-only, events are unparalleled when it comes to building community, sharing thought leadership, and proving your value - ...
Are you focused enough on focus itself? Are you diluting your message, power, or passion by being too broad or ambitious? And, do you have to be loud and flashy in order for your purpose to come across crystal clearly? This w...
How much of your workday gets gobbled up by non-money-making activities? How can you set expectations and goals for yourself that are both ambitious and compassionate? And, how can gamification help you take off "the busy bad...
Do you ever feel like the Internet is leaving you behind? There are so many new trends, new platforms, new tools, new terms... you name it. Although Blockchain has been a beloved topic of conversation in tech circles for almo...
So - they're paying attention, now what? How do you turn dopamine-bumping likes into dollar-earning leads? What's the next step for followers who have been hanging out in your DMs and comment threads for weeks or even years? ...
Have you bought into your own hype? And - in practice - is that a good thing or a bad thing? Will your success inadvertently harm the folks who have had your back since the beginning? How can we move from 1-to-1 to 1-to-Many ...
Does tracking your business growth (or losses) have to be so anxiety-inducing? On the flipside, does analyzing your data have to be so dang dry and boring? HECK NO. Although it's hard to focus on profits, profits, profits all...
Are you treating yourself like your most prized asset? Do you find it hard to rest, or even slow down? And what's the truth of "hustle culture;" do we really need to push harder to get further? If the cost of your entrepreneu...
How well do you know your numbers? For many, many small business owners, the answer is "not nearly enough." When you wear 17 different hats on any given day, it's easy enough to ignore the books and bank accounts and wait unt...
On your path to connection and service, what metrics really matter? Should you aim to go viral, or allow yourself to move slowly and deliberately? And what's more important in podcasting and content creation - quality or cons...
Holy heck! It's the very first special episode of TLTQ - and it's a glorious nerdfest. Annie P. Ruggles recently brought her brand of entrepreneurial enthusiasm to the show floor at FAN EXPO Chicago and sat down with 14 pheno...
Is your definition of success truly your own or has it been cobbled together from other peoples' mandates and expectations? Are you more likely to succeed if you show up fully and frantically every day or if you slow down and...
When you define selling, is your answer more synonymous with greed, manipulation, and regret or to love, empathy, and enthusiasm? You've been sold to horribly and unethically countless times - but have you ever had a sales he...
Do we expand our skills by learning or by doing? How do you identify what falls inside our expertise and where we have growth options? And - what if we're experts in something that we just don't love anymore? Entrepreneurship...
In order to take ourselves seriously as business owners, do we need to be so dang serious? What are the key differences between savvy self-promotion and sleazy self-serving advertising? Is putting yourself out there emotional...
Is LinkedIn just a resume site for job-seekers? Heck no! In fact, your competitors are likely making a whole bunch of money over there! How? By leveraging its business-focus and ever-expanding list of competitive free feature...
Is there anything more vulnerable (some would say terrifying) than asking for feedback, waiting for the responses, and then actually absorbing them? Why do small criticisms tend to outweigh earnest praise? And - what the heck...