Is your personal brand still important when you're scaling a business? How can your values and flair create a bedrock for company culture? And what the heck is the right balance between personal and professional content on so...
Are you drowning in "shoulds?" Bogged down in the expectations of yourself, your clients, and even your paid advisors? And, to top it all, is one-size-fits-all marketing or the newest high-priced fad failing to bring in the r...
What the heck is "warrior energy" and how can it be harnessed in our personal and professional lives? How can we best balance head and heart during moments of stress and overwhelm? And how can we break ourselves of toxic self...
Should tiny businesses be worried about the huge issues of inclusion and diversity? Why does allyship really matter - beyond just wanting to be (and be seen as) a good person? And how can we all go beyond performative acts in...
Is "vision" really all that important or is it a distraction? How can we act as if our goals are already happening, rather than just waiting for them to happen? And, how do we balance entertainment and educational content on ...
Are self-care and productivity opposing forces? Must you choose one or the other? Absolutely not! This episode seeks to prove that self-advocacy and self-preservation are among the most efficient, effective choices you can ma...
If you're feeling frustrated and overwhelmed because your current website design is not attracting diverse customers or fostering a sense of connection, then you are not alone! Perhaps you've been relying on generic templates...
How can businesses build trust, foster human connection, and align with shared values in the age of AI and technology? And why on Earth does Facebook feel the need to change its advertising platform every four seconds? (Ok, w...
If your email marketing was a love story, would the couple get together in the end or would one run away, screaming in disgust? While that second scenario isn't all that likely, entrepreneurs are faced with a very real pain a...
Have you ever wondered what Hogwarts House would churn out the very best business strategists? Or wished you could celebrate Dobby's canonical birthday with your work friends? Or desperately sought to take back the Harry Pott...
Feeling frustrated and overwhelmed with your current marketing efforts? Exhausted by constantly chasing after the latest trend or tactic without seeing any real results? Or just wondering how and when to let your "freak flag"...
Welcome to Too Legitimate to Quit - Summer School 2023! To kick off this season of learning and laughs, we dive straight into financial wellness, shame, and the coming zombie apocalypse. What could be more fun than that!? The...
Are you falling into the copy-and-paste culture of online business building? Are you drowning in marketing "shoulds" doled out by gurus and one-size-fits-all peddlers? Are you sick to death of collaborations that take more th...
How can you evoke emotion (ethically) and show your passion for your work? How can you stand out in a sea of similar brands? And what the heck can be learned about partnership, flexibility, and delight from the spellcasting, ...
How can introverts (or empaths, or people-pleasers) sell and market their businesses without coming across as pushy and aggressive? How can every small business owner keep their nature and their gifts in mind when it comes to...
Are you suffering from or through "random acts of marketing?" Online visibility is such a noisy endeavor - so many options, so many "shoulds." How do you know what's right for you and which efforts to double down on? And- is ...
Sales is the art of receiving money in exchange for your goods and services. It's an energetic exchange between two people, and it can be beautiful. Here to prove that point are two highly opinionated, emotional women discuss...
Are you truly making profit a priority? There are so many metrics to track, clients to dazzle, prospects to woo, details to manage. It's shockingly easy for our livelihoods to get lost in the shuffle. But, we can't grow what ...
Does it seem like everyone around you is always "launching?" Big launches! Flashy launches! Multi-day multi-media launches! What the heck is a launch anyhow? And do we really need to talk about ourselves this much in order to...
Is your email list really that important? How can we best communicate our deep awareness of the problems our prospects face without pouring salt in the wound? How can we find the perfect balance between personalized storytell...
Should your stances, causes, and beliefs be part of your brand? Should we welcome unsubscribes and bitchy comments - or play it safe when it comes to "hot button" topics? And what the heck should we do when our best-laid plan...
Happy World Introvert Day! As you get back into the swing of your work week, take a trip down memory lane to one of the first episodes of TLTQ - featuring marketing maven, Nikki Nash and Annie's lifelong devotion to Angela La...
Ho ho ho - it's a TLTQ Holiday extravaganza and we're digging deep into that heartwarming concept known as professional jealousy. Wait, what? Yep! And for extra fun and cheeriness, we discuss the holiday classic where Santa d...
Relationship Marketing is so much easier said than mastered. How can we forge genuine connections with a whole bunch of people at once - and maintain that earned intimacy? How can we prove ourselves amid a sea of greedy sleaz...