Promoting a business while a war rages and the pandemic drags on is a weird freaking sensation. Your body says "go back to bed and stay there" but your brand demands you get out there and "PERFORM, dammit!" How can we be cons...
Even the most mundane entrepreneurial workdays can feel like epic, near-impossible tests sometimes. We have so many details to keep track of, tasks to complete, shiny objects to avoid - and it seems like the bigger our hearts...
Where does persuasion stop and manipulation begin? How can your community prosper without turning into a cult-like monster? And does your content have to be laugh-out-loud entertaining? We'll answer these questions and more i...
Do I really have to make reels - and if so, do they have to be so performative and goofy? How frequently do I really need to reach out to my mailing list - and how often am I allowed to be "salesy" before they unsubscribe? Wi...
By trying to speak to everyone, we actually speak to no one. Kinda like high school, huh? When we tried to fit in with everybody, we wound up sitting alone. This week Annie P. is joined by copywriting and funnel genius, Brean...
Do you lie awake and drive yourself crazy wondering what to do about your email list? Whether you pelt your audience with too much information, forget to message them at all, or are completely baffled by your open rates - thi...
Most small business owners I know would rather have a root canal than dig into their financial information. Why is money - even our own money - so intimidating? This week, Kate Grayson, Money Coach and Founder of Beyond Money...