Systems/Operations Episodes

April 11, 2022

67: On Accountability, Energy Management & The Lord of the Rings (fea…

Even the most mundane entrepreneurial workdays can feel like epic, near-impossible tests sometimes. We have so many details to keep track of, tasks to complete, shiny objects to avoid - and it seems like the bigger our hearts...

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March 14, 2022

63: On Fun, Fit & Blackwing Pencils (feat. Liz Scully)

Is having fun truly an essential part of self-employment? How can we make people feel safe, seen, and supported and profit from those efforts? And what can we learn about seizing opportunities from the makers of the most belo...

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Jan. 31, 2022

57: On Intentionality, Instinct & Rogue Agents (feat. Andrea Freeman)

We may be human beings and not human doings - but it's hard to remember that when you're a small business owner with a ravenous to-do list. How can we get it all done without sacrificing ourselves? Can we shine brighter by do...

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Jan. 24, 2022

56: On Aggression, Inspiration & The Real Housewives (feat. Amanda Ab…

Oh, entrepreneurship! So glossy! So masculine! So freaking dramatic (before you have healthy boundaries and fabulous income)! What's a heart-centered business owner to do? What are the secrets not only of growth, but of stayi...

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Jan. 3, 2022

53: On Boundaries, Burnout & So I Married an Axe Murderer (feat. Ambe…

It's a whole new year - are you feeling the crushing weight of expectations already? Maybe you promised yourself you'd somehow be shinier or more prepared for this year? Screw that! This week, Amber Hawley is here to remind u...

Listen to the Episode
Dec. 20, 2021

52: On Competition, Risk & The Santa Clause (feat. Shauna Armitage)

Ho ho ho - it's a TLTQ Holiday extravaganza and we're digging deep into that heartwarming concept known as professional jealousy. Wait, what? Yep! And for extra fun and cheeriness, we discuss the holiday classic where Santa d...

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Dec. 6, 2021

50: On Collaboration, Expectations & John Legend (feat. Pamela Slim)

TLTQ celebrates our 1st birthday in this powerhouse interview with Pamela Slim, author of Escape from Cubicle Nation , Body of Work , and The Widest Net ! As a small business owner, it's easy to think of yourself as a rock or...

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Nov. 29, 2021

49: On Habits, Learning Curves & Peloton (feat. Dallas Travers)

Habits - they surely don't feel very sexy. We got into self-employment for the freedom, right? But un-shiny necessities like routines, rituals, and consistent behaviors are the keys to your success, confidence, legacy, and mo...

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Oct. 5, 2021

42: On Impact, Inclusion & Pitch Perfect (feat. Melissa Marcelissen)

If you want to have a thriving small business (not to mention be a good human) in 2021, things like "diversity" and "equity" can't just be buzzwords. They must be chosen, advocated for, and practiced daily. But, how can we go...

Listen to the Episode
Sept. 27, 2021

41: On Starting, Strategizing & Breaking Bad (feat. Coach Jennie)

What's more important - the plan or the action? When is a rock-solid strategy essential and when is it just a distraction? And how can we rise up against the constant looming threats of perfectionism, procrastination, and dou...

Listen to the Episode
Aug. 9, 2021

35: On Meaningfulness, Self-Love & The Good Place (feat. Chantelle An…

What the heck does intentionality actually look like? How do you know if you're showing up in a way that fulfills all the labels you've put on yourself? And how can we cut through the noise and connect with our clients, colle...

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July 6, 2021

31: On Customers, Compatibility & The 5 Love Languages (feat. Anika R…

"I love my clients!" Hopefully, all small business owners have said this from time to time. But, love is a verb. What does it mean to actually show up for your ideal clients in a loving but still professional way? Are you sho...

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May 17, 2021

24: On Prioritization, Balance & The [Former] Royal Family (feat. Hol…

What's the best way to build a business without burnout? What if you can only dedicate a third of your time to your dream? How do you know if you're doing enough of the right things - and what is just noise? And what does any...

Listen to the Episode
May 3, 2021

22: On Interviews, Visibility & Dateline (feat. Margy Feldhuhn)

What comes first - a polished, magnetic message or the perfect platform? What really matters when it comes to visibility - is it truly all about your eyeliner or backdrop? How can a camera-shy business owner make a lasting im...

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April 19, 2021

20: On Wellbeing, Profit & Grace and Frankie (feat. Sandra Francisco)

Are you growing your business with your wellbeing in mind? Are you showing up with your profit in mind? According to this week's guest, the "secret sauce" of fulfillment is mastering both simultaneously. Easier said than done...

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