Disney Episodes

April 18, 2022

68: On High-Ticket Selling, Integrity & The Lion King (feat. Isaac Ho)

Are you operating in integrity with your price point? Moreover, are you working in harmony with your expertise? It's so easy to fall out of sync with our own teaching and methods from time to time. But, being a shoeless cobbl...

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March 28, 2022

65: On Professionalism, Psychographics & Moana (feat. Jenny Ambrose)

How formal (and stuffy) does your business really need to be in order to be taken seriously? Are we still living in a "dress to impress" world, once we've left corporate confines? And - how can we lean into our own internal n...

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Feb. 15, 2021

11: On Intuition, Ambition & Frozen 2 (feat. Ciara Rubin)

How can we keep ourselves - our egos, our ideas, our best and dearest character traits - safe in the increasingly connected, digital, demanding Small Business world? What role does intuition play in the ambitious pursuit of ...

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