Jan. 10, 2022
54: On Persuasion, Sales & What About Bob? (feat. Jason Cutter)

A doctor doesn't normally thank you passionately and profusely for letting them treat your aches and pains. They know you're there to solve a problem: they advise you or perform a procudure, you pay them, 'nuff said. But, as a small business owner, it's hard to find the right balance of gratitude and self-assurance. If selling really is serving - shouldn't they be thanking you?
This week, Annie P. is joined persuasion specialist, sales success architect, former marine biologist, and all-around brilliant human, Jason Cutter. Together, they have a candid convo about why your sleazy competitors succeed, how we shoot ourselves in the foot on sales calls, and why we should behave more like sharks (the ocean kind, not the tv investor kind), before unpacking lessons from the Bill Murray/Richard Dreyfuss classic comedy, What About Bob?
*Parentpreneur advisory: this episode contains colorful language.
This week, Annie P. is joined persuasion specialist, sales success architect, former marine biologist, and all-around brilliant human, Jason Cutter. Together, they have a candid convo about why your sleazy competitors succeed, how we shoot ourselves in the foot on sales calls, and why we should behave more like sharks (the ocean kind, not the tv investor kind), before unpacking lessons from the Bill Murray/Richard Dreyfuss classic comedy, What About Bob?
*Parentpreneur advisory: this episode contains colorful language.
Connect with Jason through his website, www.jasoncutter.com
And don't forget to check out his podcast, The Authentic Persuasion Show, and book, Selling with Authentic Persuasion.
And don't forget to check out his podcast, The Authentic Persuasion Show, and book, Selling with Authentic Persuasion.
Tired of feeling sleazy when you sell - or avoiding "the ask" altogether? Annie P.'s free masterclass is for you.
Extra Credit: Don't forget to subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts! New episodes drop every Monday. Reviews and ratings really help our little show grow, so thank you for the boost!