Sept. 20, 2021
40: On Kindness, Differentiation & Revenge of the Nerds (feat. Mike Michalowicz)

Is your business kind enough? Is your marketing loud and bold enough? According to superstar author and business giant Mike Michalowicz, these two questions likely have the same answer. It's phenomenally easy to fall into the trap of dimming your light, hiding from your prospects, or going along with the herd. How can a heart-centered business truly stand out - and profit! - in authentic, proud, valuable ways?
This week, Annie P. has the great pleasure of interviewing one of her heroes. Mike Michalowicz is a force in the entrepreneurial world and author of some of the best books on the market including Profit First, The Pumpkin Plan, and Clockwork. In this interview, he drops gem after hilarious gem for underdogs out there trying to make a difference and carve a legacy simultaneously.
*Parentpreneur advisory: this episode contains colorful language.
This week, Annie P. has the great pleasure of interviewing one of her heroes. Mike Michalowicz is a force in the entrepreneurial world and author of some of the best books on the market including Profit First, The Pumpkin Plan, and Clockwork. In this interview, he drops gem after hilarious gem for underdogs out there trying to make a difference and carve a legacy simultaneously.
*Parentpreneur advisory: this episode contains colorful language.
Connect with Mike through his Facebook and YouTube.
His brand new book, Get Different, debuts this week!
His brand new book, Get Different, debuts this week!
Tired of feeling sleazy when you sell - or avoiding "the ask" altogether? Annie P.'s free masterclass is for you.
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