Do big dreams require even bigger egos? How much "look at me! look at me!" energy is actually required when you're building a name for yourself? And, what are the differences between showing up, showing off, and just being a big, braggy showboat?
This week, Annie P. is joined by the powerhouse known as The Amanda Wagner. Amanda is on a mission to be "at the scale of Oprah" and commands a wealth of knowledge on ambition, drive, and getting sh*t done. Dubbed "The Michelle Visage of Entrepreneurship" (by Annie), Amanda is also a die-hard Drag Racer and shares her favorite tips and tricks inspired by some of Mama Ru's fiercest competitors. Happy Pride Month to all our LBGTQIA+ listeners and allies!! We love your love!
*Parentpreneur advisory: this episode contains colorful language.
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