122: On Leadership, Self-Healing & Jean-Luc Picard (feat. Jennifer Urezzio)

This week, Annie P. is joined by the soulful and brilliant Jennifer Urezzio, founder of Soul Language. Her specialty is helping movers and shakers honor their own wisdom, connect with Divine support, and co-create with the energy of their businesses.
Together, they explore their mutual love for Peanuts, "The Lord of the Rings" and more before focusing on "Star Trek," drawing parallels between the emotional depth of iconic characters and their own experiences. They delve into the concept of purpose (and its myths), share personal anecdotes (AKA fangirl a little), and offer practical advice for self-compassion and self-awareness. It's an uplifting, empowering listen for Trekkies, the woo-woo, and all entrepreneurs, bravely and boldly going where no one has gone before. Engage!
- Connect with Jennifer (JU) through her website and Instagram.
- Grab JU's jaw-droppingly good free guide, The Myths of Purpose.
- Don't forget to listen to her podcast, Ask & Answered By Soul.
What's Inside:
06:09 Acknowledging divine backup
13:57 Accepting change brings unexpected discoveries.
19:48 Head and heart balance
26:15 Warriors, inner children, and the Peanuts gang
29:50 Choice is essential for our well-being.
37:06 Embracing rebranding
40:15 Picard, Troi, and a reminder about Vulcans
45:43 LeVar Burton is a gift to the world.
48:57 Homework: "Embrace self-awareness and compassion for success."
Wanna binge? Check out these related episodes:
42: On Impact, Inclusion & Pitch Perfect (feat. Melissa Marcelissen)
45: On Shame, Magnetism & The Rocky Horror Picture Show (feat. Michelle Clarke)
51: On Courses, New Customers & Star Trek: Voyager (feat. Melody Johnson)
80: On Expertise, Unlearning & The OC (feat. Rachel Kurzyp)
114: On Magnetism, Genius & Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist (feat. Mellissa Seaman)
I will just go, nope. I'm sorry. Like, here's the situation.
I gotta show up for you, and I can't show up for you if I
haven't shown up for myself. I also think it's about
really knowing that you're not perfect and you don't have
to be perfect.
Welcome or welcome back to Too Legitimate To Quit.
Instantly actionable small business strategies with a pop
culture spin. I am your host, Annie p Ruggles,
And my guest today is the magnificent Jennifer
Arazio, or as my ancestors would have said,
Jennifer is the founder of Soul Language. A paradigm that puts
tangibility to soul, so a conscious connection can be
established To enable crystal clear decisions for success,
Jennifer is also a master intuitive, and the author of
2 best selling books. Currently, she has trained over 30
practitioners worldwide in soul language. And at this time,
there are over 5,000 individuals, Including me,
all over the world connecting to their soul languages. Jennifer has worked
with and supported hundreds of successful highly creative
individuals With resolving blocks in their creative process
so that new opportunities can be received and created.
Oh my goodness, listeners. I am so
freaking stoked because between you and me, I'm
having kind of a weird week. People are being a little nutty
around me this week and, hurling some stuff at
me In a way that is a little abnormal, so my energy is a
little funky. But the universe has a tendency to
provide exactly what you need even though you don't know that you need it. And
lo and behold, today, I get to introduce you or
reintroduce you to not Not only one of my favorite people,
the person I turn to when energy gets freaking
weird. That's right. I'm talking about Jennifer
Orazio. Jennifer, I'm gonna call you J u because that's what I call
you. J u darling, It is a pleasure and privilege to
ask you the question, what do small business owners need to focus on this
week? I think they need to focus on not letting their inner child
run their business. Oh, no.
Oh, no. What do you mean? I think so often, you know,
our unconscious behavior, which tends to, Like, be controlled
by the inner child, runs our business. Right?
It makes really weird decisions for us. It, You know?
Makes us go left when we really wanna go right.
And if you have warrior energy, then Your inner child's
a inner warrior, and that's like giving a kid
literally with a gun. Right? And so It's
I think so often, we are seeking out
clients' relationships, you know, in order to
kind of heal something in that inner child. And if it's not
healed, then we're gonna keep, you know, kind of doing that same
pattern over and over again, and that kind of
stinks. Heck, yes. It does.
Wow. Okay. Well, you know, you've been talking for a minute, and
you already gave me so much. I'm freaking reeling. Like, 1
minute in. I told you she was a dents y'all. Whew.
Where to begin? So, you know, I think that that's
so interesting because Because I definitely wanna get
to these ideas of patterning and self healing and everything else. But
as someone with a lot of childlike
energy and who embraces that in interesting
ways through Quirkworks Consulting, I
I'm surprised with how hardcore I resonate with don't
let your inner child run your business. Like, my brand is playful,
but it's also very disciplined. My business has to be
disciplined. I bring an element of fun into
the discipline of running a business. And when I've been Out
of alignment with that, it really is
like having a 5 year old run the show
Because I, at my core, my inner child,
love her to death, is a fucking brat. Well, I
mean, there's good parts of the inner child. Right? That curiosity, that
play, you know, that lightheartedness, the
innocence. Those are all great parts of the inner child, and and
we wanna love every part of us. We don't wanna, you know, eradicate
anything. But The inner child that shouldn't,
in quotes, be running the show is that inner child that's
frustrated, angry, That's living in trauma.
That Yeah. You know, it is dying for affection.
All of the Yes. Kind of trauma from the inner child that
We need to offer love and we also need to kind of heal that.
And that is validation for me. One of the ways that really shows up when
the inner child runs the show is very much that
pick me up, pick me up, mommy, pick me up, pick me up energy. When
it's like, nobody commented on that social post. I thought that post was really good.
Why did it anybody want it? Nobody's on my calendar today. What's going on? Pick
me up, mommy. And it's like, Or
you could take a breath, do something nourishing for yourself,
and then go write a different post that someone will like next day. Right? Like,
it's cool. Right? Or you could don't go something do
something nurturing for yourself and not even worry about writing
another post. Right? See y'all. See.
Because there's, like, I've been talk I was just talking to a
client, about having a backup generator in your
business. So you know how when your lights go off and you have a generator.
Right? Like, that's the backup generator. So often,
You know, especially purpose driven warrior energy
believe that their business is entirely entirely
up to them. And they forget that there's this
backup energy of goodness of the divine. Right? And so
because we're all focused on, like, I'm in a good mood and positive, then
everything's gonna work out in my business and blah blah blah. But when we're in
a crappy mood or having a challenge, we also then believe,
Oh, well, my business is kind of screwed because right?
So my fame like, I love this thing I always say
with god, business is always good. But if you don't believe that there's
a backup generator, god, right, that's
actually supporting your business and handling all the stuff
You can't do because you're cranky or you had a bad day
or whatever, then that's even harder on your business. Right?
So you need a backup generator. I'm laughing
because these conversations always find me just when I need
them. Like, I'm so crabby. I'm so
crabby. And yet, like, talking to you, having this
conversation For this audience I love on this show that
I adore with a person I love brings me a lot of joy, and it
does take the edge off the cranky. Right?
And and And so in essence, I don't really mean to be, like, meta modeling
this right now, but I kind of am. Like, do something nourishing.
Call someone you love. Have a conversation. It
doesn't have to be a super weird deep one. We're eventually gonna talk
about Star Trek. But in the meantime, we're gonna talk about all kinds of other
stuff, and I think that's Really big and and the idea of
of self prioritization in that way because you
you said something else Back in the back end. And one of the
things that I realized early, early, early, early
in my marketing The liaison for coaches
and healers role that I walk, is that
a lot just like how a lot of coaches
Model or or show people through processes
that they used to struggle with. For example, I was sales
avoidant, and now I teach people out of sales avoidance. I've
noticed that a lot of healers or people that identify as
healers, are drawn to the
work as a form of self healing
to say, okay. I'm Still evolving through this, but let me
take others through this path. And so my question for you
is, I've seen Self healing
by healers done really
beautifully, and I've seen Self healing done
by healers in a really, like, toxic codependent
gross way. You are
masterful at keeping your
container, prioritizing yourself, nurturing yourself, and serving your
clients, And honoring all the different parts of you along the way,
are there any tips, modalities, tricks that you
could share To help people not become
a toxic self healer, but an empowered
force for what they're trying to create. Well, thank you for
the beautiful statements. I
think the fundamental thing I know, the more I know, the less I
know. And I'm one of those
master healers that doesn't believe I heal
anyone, that I'm just giving people the opportunity.
I'm also I have a really good support team. I mean, yesterday
at this time, you would've gotten In a different gen because Jennifer's head was
exploding, and I was like, right,
I call my people to break down, right,
and to process. And I'm working my
I'm working my processes. I'm also very clear
if I'm going through something, I put it in my big metaphysical
bowl and leave it in the bowl and then pick it up
afterwards. I'm also if I'm really going through something,
I will cancel. I will just go, nope. I'm sorry.
Like, here's the situation. I gotta show up for you, and I
can't show up for you if I haven't shown up for myself. I also think
it's about really knowing That
you're not perfect, and you don't have to be perfect. And
I'm consciously transparent with someone. I tell stories. I
don't eviscerate myself. Right? But I tell
stories. And I also try
to go through something fully before I
start talking about it. And sometimes you can't. Like,
when Roxy died, my dog, I was, like,
upfront with everyone. I was like, listen. Here's what's going on. My dog got hit
by a car. Here's where I am. You know? I'm gonna be totally
present for you, but I'm in so much pain because I just lost
my soulmate. And this is gonna last for a while.
So I'm just upfront, consciously transparent.
It's all on my face. I don't have a poker face. I think so often,
Healers are trying to be something they're not. They're trying to
be this supreme being instead of being
divinely human. Again, I'm like,
there are so many areas I want to take because I have, like, 87,000
questions. I'm gonna have to do, like, an entire, like, 18 part
master class. But the is just my brain
is like, ask her this, ask her this, and then you say something else. I'm
like, ask her that. And then I'm like, Stay present. Damn it. Stop it. Listen.
But, I mean, I think you brought up something
that is Such a weird
topic that I didn't see this episode turning into for a while, and
maybe we won't hang out here long, but maybe we will because
I know when I was grappling with my boundaries earlier
in business or even now, one of the main things
that I can get hung up on when I'm not
personally gathered, is the idea
of cancellations. And I
Hate. Capital h. I get it. I know you're
a carrier. I get it. But but but
I had COVID for a month, as you know.
I know. Lot of stuff had to get
canceled, and I think it was a really Interesting
unraveling of that
for me because Every single
person that I approach with transparency, which was every single person
I had to reschedule or cancel on, every single
person Not only had
a positive reaction, not a negative reaction, not even a
neutral reaction. Honey, what do you need? Everything's fine. Are you feeling
okay? Have you had lunch today? By the way, these are the supplements that I
took when I had COVID. Do you have a good doctor? Does Ryan know what
to feed you? Are you okay? By the way, have you seen any good movies
lately? Should I send you a board game? Like, that's the kind of stuff I
got, Whereas in my head, I'm like, I
am destroying businesses. Oh,
no. The world's gonna explode.
Nothing exploded. 23 days of COVID,
dozens, literally dozens of calls moved
or canceled, Zero complaints,
and I got, like, 97 soup recipes out of the mix. Right? So
I'm grateful for that because It
showed me not that I wanna abuse it. We never wanna abuse the
graces and the love that we're given, but but I had
it very firmly in my head that the least professional thing I could
ever do was cancel, and then I had to. And guess what
changed? Nothing. Right? And so I love that you're going even
further to be like, if you're not energetically feeling it,
move it. Because, again, like how you said yesterday,
I would have had a very different j u 2, 2 months ago, 3 months
ago before I had COVID. If you would've been like, oh, Annie, if you're not
feeling it, just cancel it. I would be like, I can't just move things
based on my energy. Of course, you can, people.
Of course, you can. And to your point, sometimes you must. So,
like, where do we get this weird hang up
about manipulating Our schedules or or taking
space or time when we need it. Where does it come from? Oh, everything
we've ever been taught in society. Everything.
Oh, okay. Just everything? Like, you know, I I remember
when Eric you know, Erin. Like, my best
friend's kid When he was in
preschool or kindergarten, she called me. She's like, there was
nothing in Eric's green folder today. I was like, woah. What? So, like,
every day, the teacher brings him out to the car and gives us a folder
of all the stuff he did today. She said and today, the teacher
said, There was not there's nothing in Eric's green folder. He chose
not to participate. And I was like, we'll give the kid
a star. And she goes, well, what do you mean he chose not to participate.
I was like, from the moment that kid came out of the
belly, we asked him, what do you want? What do you need? And now he's
actually telling people what he wants and what he needs, and now it's not appropriate?
No. Right? Like, We lose that kind of
we're taught not to want, not to need. We're
taught self sacrifice. And
right? And with master healers and masters of service,
that goes above and beyond. And here's the thing. A couple years
ago, I had this client pre COVID or just on the cusp of
I got a new client and, you know, I have this whole way of
picking a client. Right? I do the Peanuts characters in my head. Right?
So My clients are always Lucy and
Linuses. There's no difference between Lucy and Linuses. It's just what?
I used to take on Lucy. No. I'm
sorry. Sally and Linuses. I used to take on Lucy's.
Right? So this client was a Lucy. I knew she was a Lucy.
Right? But I always at that point, I like to, like, maybe she won't
be a Lucy. So I get a new client. She's supposed to,
like, Have a session on Tuesday. I
the doctor tells me, do not speak.
If you speak, the vocal cords are gonna get worse,
and it could be really serious. The doctor tells me, do not speak for 2
days. Don't I? So I text her. I was like, I'm really sorry, but I
have to move our session because the doctor says don't
speak because It might actually ruin my vocal cords. That's how sick I
am. And she goes, oh, well,
I'm kinda disappointed because I was really looking forward to our 1st
session. And I went, are you kidding
me? I'm like, might not have used some
vocal cords, But that's okay. Might
not have used of vocal cords for the foreseeable
future, if ever, but by all means, Let's let's
handle your 45 minute issue right now.
Right? So I rescheduled.
Time goes on. And I'm listening
to her relationships. So
someone's great, great, great, a greater than sliced bed. I love
this person. And then Something happens
in her head, and then they're just horrible. And so she stopped working with
me about a year and a half later, and I thought, Oh, I
wonder who she's telling. I'm terrible.
But here's the thing. That's why when we don't listen, when we don't
Really tune in when we're not being connected to our soul.
And the way I teach people to to do that is through soul language.
There's a huge disconnect, and that shows up in the tangibility of your
life. Right?
And so I I personally don't like to
struggle. I have struggled. I
will struggle. Struggled yesterday. I might struggle
tomorrow. But I know that there's a path to
not struggling as much, And that's about being connected.
And when when you're start when you're
a coach, a master healer, I think so often,
a lot of coaches and master healers are doing their coaching with
their heads and not connected with the mind
following the heart. And that's the easiest tip
I can give anyone. Divine intelligence,
Allow my mind to follow my heart and then take action from
I literally just wanna give that just the weight that it
deserves. Like, it's so
It sounds so foundational, and it is in the form that it's
essential. But in the moment, Especially
bringing it back full circle when that little hellion
inside you is running the show because they didn't get enough
sugar today, and the Easter your money line was too long or whatever.
We don't we don't necessarily think about head and heart. We
just Do we just act, and it's like, woah. Woah. Woah. Woah.
Woah. Woah. Ground, center, connect, breathe.
Right? Divine intelligence put
my head behind my heart, open open whatever
connection I need or Unblock whatever I need to
fuel me heart first.
And and I think that's Just
the weight the weight just comes up, and it's like, okay. Hold on.
The world isn't spinning. You're spinning. Right? You
are not in charge of helping the world.
And unless you're doing brain surgery, no one's gonna die.
No one's gonna die. No one's gonna die. Right?
If someone has a 52% open rate instead
of a 53% open rate,
I'm not being reported to marketers anonymous
or whatever. Right. Wow.
Okay. Boy, look at this. We've already talked about self
sacrifice, self healing, cancellations, warrior energy,
backup generators. Like, my goodness. We've talked about
so many things, but I love that we keep kinda coming back to this place
of unhealthy self sacrifice because Wait. Wait.
Wait. There's no healthy self sacrifice.
Keep talking. Well, self sacrifice,
In this sense, means you're actually giving something up.
It's not a sacred offering. When we're sacrificing in
that kind of conditions, We're actually doing something
in we're harming ourselves.
Right? Because the sacred offering is given up without any
harm coming to you or anyone else.
Isn't that interesting? So many of
us are still killing our firstborn trying to get noticed.
It there's I wanna say every curse word
I can. You can. Go ahead. You know? It's
actually not even worth putting the weight there. Meaning Yeah.
You know, It's not the viewpoint
of what divinity is.
And and we're only still Interpreting divinity
in the capacity that our little brains can understand.
Mhmm. But If an energy can
let me tell you a story because it's a really powerful one. So I'm in
my car. Okay? And I'm yelling at
god. And I'm like, look, god. I want I
want to prove right here and right now That
I exist, that you know who I am. And I want my dead dad to
prove that, like, someone's watching out for me because I'm
pissed. So I'm driving my car, and the radio comes on.
And it's a song my father loved, and I was like, you know what? That's
too freaking easy. No. No. No. That's not. It's not proofing
up. And the radio announcer comes on.
He goes, thank you so much for all of the
requests from all of those good, like, Places of music,
and he starts to run through it. I'm like, yeah. Whatever. And then he goes,
and brothers 3, and I drive off the road Because
that was the name of my father's bar that I forgot he had.
What? So if that force can
put all of those movable pieces into
place, Then you can
bet that we can
harness that because we are that and that is me, That we
can harness that to create what we want.
But we spend a lot of time. In fact, I
will use my personal. I spend a lot of
time not focusing
on that and focusing on so much other crap.
Yeah. Right? Because we feel like the weight of all All of it is on
us. We feel like especially as small business owners, like, I am the be all
end all. I am the gatekeeper. I am the light. I am the
solution. I am the blah blah blah. And they're we're making
it life and death. It's not life and death.
It's really not. You're not getting chased by a bear. No one's gonna
die. Like, we make every business relationship and
interactions, especially if you have warrior energy, Like life
and death. And where your energy, when
not conscious, and in general, is already
heightened. So we're already scanning, like, case
everyone get me safe. Is everyone right? So you drop that in a
bad day, And it's like explosion.
Instead of, okay, let's reconnect. What
decision do we wanna make from the point of consciousness,
not pattern, not inner child on crack?
Where do we wanna make a decision based on?
It's just so much Deeper,
simpler, calmer, more natural. It's just
not always easy. Yeah. But it's
also not self sacrificial to
a fault. I think that that's so interesting. There is
No good form of self no. What did you say? There is no healthy self
Oh, we're gonna get some Christian fundamentalist hate mail about that
one. Oh, lord.
Early. I mean, really You know, I I I think
that it's we've talked a lot about warrior
energy, in this episode, and and it's also one of our
favorite topics to discuss in our friendship, you and me.
And I love, although they're not on our topic today, I love that you see
the world in Charles Schulz Peanuts characters,
because that's totally clear, and I think I've definitely had
a lot of disordered Lucy energy, and Lucy
is a 100% what happens when I let my inner child run
the show because Lucy's like, I know everything and nothing is gonna go wrong
and I'm fine and everything's Fine. And everybody's leading up, and it's fine. And I'm
fine. And by the way, the doctor is in. Like,
chill out. Chill out. And now when I'm
grounded, when I'm healthy, when I'm running my business from that place of love,
I'm very much Just
full linus all the time up to the point where Actually,
technically, your people are Schroders. If
we really wanna be technical, I think your people are Schroeders. You think my
people are Schroeders? I could see that. Heads down, get it done. Let's be
perfectionistic about it. Highly creative.
Highly creative, but don't notice the love that's literally laying on their
piano. Yeah. People are short. And you come in. You know, I'm
over here with my blanket, like, hey, does anybody wanna cuddle
and talk about their marketing? And they're like, no, I'm Busy Eddie,
go away. I'm playing Chopin. I'm like, okay.
Right. But with your with your help,
It's actually heard. Right? Their creativity, their
passion, their music is heard,
And that's huge. I mean, you could do a
whole marketing campaign just for Schroeder. I just hear from From
You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown, now that's stuck in my head. Do you know
something, Schroeder? I think the way you
play the Yeah. No. It's
nice. Like, that's gonna be stuck in my head all day, so thanks for
that. You're welcome. But, like okay. So
so warrior energy, you know, like all energy
can be harnessed. It can flow.
It can be cultivated. It can be
cleared. Like, For anybody out there
who suspects that they have warrior energy or that they have
misfiring warrior energy, how do they know, And how do they
shape it up? Well, warrior energy, when I say warrior
energy, usually just knows. Like, there's a, That's me.
Right? Misfiring is loyal to
a fault, never leave a man down, Lone
wolf, self sacrificing. And the way you kind
of realign it and start to harness it is
really For a warrior,
understanding that they are profoundly safe and
letting go of responsibility of everyone else being safe. And
that's a huge step, but that's the first step.
That's one of those things that you say. And this happens all the time with
you. Where, like, I felt like I was already breathing, and then you said that,
and I had to take Took a deep breath, and I was like, did I
forget how to breathe for a minute? Like,
that rang of truth. Right? But, like, that same self imposed
Panic. Yeah. You know? And I think we're especially in the
last couple years, right, we're all breathing a
lot less and all and very shallow.
And I think it's
really about Choice.
I mean, it's our greatest asset, and it's a
it's a fuck show too. I mean, it's just a great right? It's a
great asset, and you go, really? Just tell me the movie you want me
to see, and I will go see the freaking movie.
But without choice, you can't choose
to be connected. You can't choose what's in your greatest
good. Right? And and
if that was withdrawn, then we would just be a bunch of, you know,
robots. Right?
Remind me to talk to you about, when we go move into
Star Trek about Vulcans.
Oh, we can do that right now. Just jump on in. You
know? Talk about him right now. Go for it. I'm rewatching Voyager.
I've I've because of because I was So sad when the card was over.
And, there was this between
2 Tuvac and, I think Paris about
how he's like, well, aren't you curious? And he's like, yes. I'm
curious. And I thought, How can he be curious? Because curious
is an emotion. Like
like, where does the the line draw
with Vulcans. Like, if they're unemotional and it's
just logical, then how can they be curious?
Right. Right. Like, AI,
Chad GPT is not curious about
why I wanted to write Ryan a poem asking him to
take the trash out for the 50th time. Like, Chap p t t p t
isn't curious, it just delivers the data. Of course.
And to your point, curiosity means
I long for Clarity or I
long for I can't just assume. Alright.
So technically, Alright. We need to get them done.
I think dogs. Yeah. Right? So I think
I think they need to reframe it because what Vulcans
Don't participate in
is emotional responses.
Right? Making decisions from an emotional response
place. Living
their life through an emotional response. Yeah. Because it's
right. And I think a lot of people In spirituality
are trying to be a Vulcan
or a Vulcan just on happiness. They're trying to
kind of not have a range
of emotion. So listen. If you're
trying to cut out all the kind of negative emotions, you're also gonna
cut out the high emotions as well. Like, you can't just have
a song with the high notes because it sounds like crap. Right? And
so it's really about how we respond to our
emotions. So now I'm gonna reevaluate Vulcan.
I think Vulcans have emotions. I
just think they respond differently. Or it's been trained
out of them. Right. So it's like, oh,
there's hunger. Oh, how do I wanna respond? I don't wanna respond
With all of me, I just wanna respond logically.
I love it. 1st, we're gonna get, like, self sacrifices of
god hate mail from the fundamentalist Christians, and now We're
gonna get, like, an app actually. Yeah. Actually,
Vulcans are trained from alright. Alright, nerds. We hear
you. Nope. So I can't do it in Vulcanese. I'm
good. Oh my gosh. That's although total side note, I just watched
this wonderful, wonderful clip Of, Stephen
Colbert interviewing Liv Tyler, and Stephen Colbert is, like, the biggest
Tolkien nerd that has ever existed. And Liv
Tyler says if you want him, come and claim him, and Steven looks like he's
gonna die. And then Liv's like, I know the Elvish too. So, you
know, your people are out there. And if you wanna
yell at somebody about Vulcans, go find the right people to
yell at about Vulcans, but it's not me and Jen. K? You want
a wrap around? I was talking to this guy last week, and he
compared me to Tolkien. I
can see it. Is that fun? I was like, hey.
I was like, hey. Thank thanks for the compliment. I know it's a big compliment,
but, you know, I haven't read in my just seen the movies.
Yeah. But the movies are good, so it's fine. Let me read it right away.
That's from me who had a Hobbit theme winning. So, like, I give you permission
and not have read the books, Especially because I appreciate that. There's there's a
there are some parts in the books where I'm like, are we really gonna describe
the tree for another 3 pages? Really? Really,
babe? Really? I got too much warrior for that. I'd be like, get
off the tree. Well, we're also, like, way too much of the TV
generation. Like, come on. Jean Luc Picard woulda
had 17 battles by then and 3 lovers and a dinner. Like, it's
fine. It's 28 minutes. We need a wrap up.
I you know? Okay. Let's talk about Picard for a second. Because in
the Picard episodes, right,
versus, I'm gonna do a total wrap around,
versus next generation. It really had
bothered me That Jean Luc Picard
in Picard was more human than he was in
Next generation. He had more feelings. He was
more human. When he cursed, I almost fell off my chair. I
was like, Did John Luke Bacard just curse? I don't I don't think
my brain can handle that. It
bothered me up until the last episode, And then I
was all into it. Well, I'm a sucker for father
son connection. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Right?
So I was like, okay. Bring on the emotion.
I like it. But isn't that interesting? At first, you were like, stop having so
many emotions. I I was like, he's too because he was like a
hero. He's too normal. He's
too human. And I was like, yeah. He's not a
Vulcan. Of course, he's gonna have emotions. He's not a freaking
Vulcan. He's not a freaking Vulcan. But this last
season It was just so good.
I mean, it was so good. They wrapped it up. They brought in 7 of
9. It was so I mean, she was in the 2nd season, but it
was so perfect in how they brought
pieces back From all
over, I loved it. See. And that
I take weird connection to my own rebrand From because what I've
been trying to explain to everybody about the Quirkworks rebrand is that
it's weaving together elements of my
work Going back generations
of my business. Right? Like, I've had I've been a
life coach. I've been A professional
speaker. I've been a lounge singer. I've done marketing. I've done
selling. I've done you name it, I've done it, and And
it's so interesting because I'm weaving that all back. I'm
bringing that all back, not all of it, But
I'm I'm weaving it back in in a
way that it feels like a homecoming to me. Whereas
when they make references on Picard, you're like,
oh. Right. That's so not a rebrand.
Familiar. Right. It's not a rebrand. It's a brand integration
then. Dang, girl.
Brand integration? Yeah. That's what that is.
Dang. And therefore, Picard is the brand integration of
Star Trek. He's in integrate he's, it
Actually made him I mean, I've
loved Patrick Stewart since, Claudius
days, and they I mean take care on that guy. I mean
But it made him it made
you want to be a better person watching Picard.
I felt that way about Next Gen. Like, I felt that
way about when Wesley would do something
Wesley. Weird And, like, upset the whole thing
or, like, when people would be having interpersonal problems or, like, someone would go
and get orders, and I I feel like I was Kind of, like,
raised in the terror of Picard disappointment
because if he did show enough emotion to show disappointment in
you, you done Fucked up, son. Yeah. You you
yeah. You might just put yourself out an airlock pad.
Exactly. Like, oh, We got issues.
Now we're all in danger. Daddy is mad.
Like, like, don't make space daddy mad,
because he normally has it all together, but yeah. And then because that's it, like,
the the emotion was so few and far between. Isn't that interesting that when he
would emote, I'd be like, oh, he's angry. Don't be angry at me,
daddy. I mean, really does if we think about it, he really just
show showed a lot of anger disappointment. He, you know,
he very rarely showed joy.
And right? I mean, there's only, like, 2 or 3
episodes of him engaging in any carnal
thing Oh, good. Where Riker was, like, at last and right.
Oh god. Riker's so emotion. It's like we have
Vulcans with very, very little. We got Picard
on that end of the spectrum, and then we got Riker Way
over here not having a logical thought for
6 seasons. Like, come on, baby. But, you know, I
mean, I also liked
that Picard turned towards Troy.
And not in a weird way, but was like, what do you
sense? What do you feel? Like, He
like, I like that guidance. Like, I like that he
turned towards something that he was
incapable of, That he didn't have the
skill set in order to get a deeper
picture of what decisions he had to be had to be made.
You're my Diana Troy. Aw,
thanks. I have the boobs. You do.
Thank you. She's I I well, I've, like now I went back
and I watched this the next generation and with and I was
like, She was truly beautiful, and they
screwed it up with that crazy makeup.
Right? I even loved her on NCIS.
But thank thank you for I I'll take being your
Troy. You're my Troy. Big time. I like that.
Because, I mean, if you think about it, at the very beginning
before we recorded, you're like, what's going on? And I'm like, my energy is really
weird today, and I don't know what's up with it. Like, that's me who
is normally pretty emotionally or energetically attuned. That's me
Being like, Troy, what do you feel? And then you're
like you're like client sadness. And I'm like, yes.
Yes, Troy. There is great sadness here, and I'm choosing not to participate
in that because it's not of me. Like,
Right. Because she's gotta reign it in. She's got all the emotions
and she's so keyed in, but she they're also not
relying on her To make life or death
decisions, they factor in her input,
but are we gonna let this person live or die or put this person out
in airlock, or what are we gonna do to keep the plague from devouring
everyone on the ship? They're gonna be like, Troy, who's infected? Not Troy, who
do we kill? Right. And she does
it without being attached. This is really key for you
healers out there. Without being attached about how that information
is being received or what people do with that information.
And I think so often we're attached by the For t's, we
give. And I think going back to the inner
child, that's an inner child thing too. Like, really notice.
Like, There are certain energies where I'm a little more attached.
Like, why aren't you listening to me? And then when I, like,
get back, I'm like, oh, There's that energy of my mother. I got it.
Like or when I feel like the person
is really doing themselves harm by, like, Okay.
Now we've gone through the same thing a 1000000 times. I've told you the answer.
I've texted you the answer. I've sent you the answer. And here we
are back at the same thing again.
Like, What's going on?
You I know you can hear me. You've recited it back to me,
and yet you're doing the exact opposite. Okay. Well,
Like that. Right? Now I just want a little
Troy to, like, come onto the deck and be like, Strange
maternal energy you've sensed, captain. Like, thank you, Troy.
Thank you, Troy. Or, like, in your car story, like,
Avoidance. Avoidance, of course, happening.
The way I do it. Right? I tune in. Right?
And I go, like, I did that's one of my checks
when choosing a client. Oh, man. Well, I wish we could continue
this all day because you know you're one of my favorite people, and this conversation
is exactly one of the many, many reasons why because I feel like
you just took me to church in the best And I know the listeners will
feel that way too. But I have 2 more questions for you. The first
question is, let's say
You have decided to hire a fractional
C suite employee. So you have
decided to bring on, let's not say, a CEO, but you've decided to
bring on a COO To
run the show so that you can be the talent and they can run the
show. Which Star
Trek crew member Are you bringing on
out of fleet and into soul language?
The CEO. Right? Mhmm.
I'm gonna go with Jordy,
a, because He can do almost anything.
He could do anything and also just what a presence to be around all
the time. He's calm, and he he has a sense of
humor, and he can see things in different
you know? Like, First, he has eyes, then he doesn't doesn't have eyes, then he
has adviser, then he has eyes again. But, you know, he can see the different
wavelengths of things. And,
he really takes the time to figure out what's
wrong and how to fix it and always solution oriented.
I hugged LeVar Burton once, and he looked into my soul. It was like the
best hug Oh my god. That's so fun. Ever had in my entire
life. So I'm with you. I'm with you all day. Oh my god. That's so
fun. He looked into my freaking soul. Like, you are the soul
expert. I told him that reading rainbow
Was a foundational part of my life, which he's
heard a 1000000 times. I'm positive as well. He
should. And he put his arms on my shoulders,
looked me dead in the face, and said, I'm so glad to hear
that, And then hugged me, and I looked at my husband, Ryan,
as we were walking away, and I said, LeVar Burton just looked into my
soul. And he's like, oh, yeah. He did. I saw it. It's
real. So, yes, I'm also team Jordy. Heck yes. Now,
you Do you wanna know a little thing? Yes. Of course, I do. I've
never seen Reading Rainbow ever. Oh, it's wonderful. It's a gift to the
world. Never seen it. Never seen it. I mean, LeVar Burton is a gift
to the world. We've talked A lot of give to the world people today. Patrick
Stewart, we love you. Please come over for tea with your
best friend, sir Ian McKellen. Give you my number. Right?
Jed and I will take you anywhere you wanna go at any time. LeVar Burton.
Anytime. Gift to the multiverse. Wherever you wanna
go, let's go. But, you know, as someone who has actually
looked into my soul, worked with my soul and
worked with me toward The honing elevation,
harnessing, and joyful delight of my soul.
How do our listeners Come into your world and get a
little piece of you. Well, they can go to soul language dot us. That's always
the best way. But I think I also wanna send them to the
myths A Purpose.com, which is a great
guide that miss Annie was, like, the inspiration
and just the joy of you guys. It's So
good. That will help you break down the myths that
you might be telling yourself around purpose. Hell, yes.
Well, Darling, this episode has been
far, far more stunning than 2 nerds talking
about Star Trek has any right to be.
So, thank you, and I love you.
And live long and prosper.
I like it. I like it. I'm gonna let's
with that in stone right now, so be it. And
everybody else, I will be back in just a second with my final thought and
your homework for this week.
Well, hey there. 1st and foremost, Your homework
this week is not in any way gonna tell you what you
should believe about energy, spirit, the
cosmos, or any of it. I believe what I believe.
JU believes what she believes. You believe what you believe, and guess
what? That's all okay. But for every single
one of us, self employment is an endurance
sport, not a sprint, not by, I almost said not
by a mile, but not by a long shot. This
is a marathon and one that
requires tenacity, Patience and so
much self kindness. So this week, although this episode
is about Picard, We're gonna take some inspiration from our
Vulcan friends, and we're going to monitor our
emotions. Because Like Picard, we are going to
be in this game and in that pilot jump seat for
a very very long time, hopefully. In the
fast paced world of small business, look, it's crucial to stay on
top of your game. You know that. But amidst the ever changing
landscape Of the rest of the world, we often forget to
prioritize our own well-being like Jay, you said. So this
week, again, your homework challenge is to take a step back And
be aware of when your emotions show up.
Both when you're riding high on success or Facing
lows or setbacks, I want you to treat yourself with
curiosity and kindness. Because by cultivating self awareness
and self compassion, You're not only enhancing your mental and
emotional state in a very logical way, but you're also training
your brain to endure, To find the positive,
to find the innovative, and to find the best of you.
Of course, we know that every high and low is an opportunity
For growth. So as you navigate the challenges of your work week, I want you
to keep a close eye on the emotions tied to failure
and fear, but again, To approach them with curiosity.
Meanwhile, I want you to embrace those highs with gratitude for
your damn self, And allow yourself to celebrate
your accomplishments. And then beyond that, if that gratitude
needs to be spread around, Please do. But in all
things, be kind to yourself and honor the
Hey. Thanks for listening. If this episode kept you laughing and
learning, I have 2 requests for you. 1st, make sure
you hit that subscribe or follow button depending on your platform
so you never miss an episode. And
also, more importantly, if you are looking for support,
inspiration, networking, collaborations, Or just a
chance to hang out with me, Annie p Ruggles, and our fantastic
guests. Make sure that you are a member of our
LinkedIn community, The Legitimati. It is a weird
and wonderful place. I can't even believe it's on LinkedIn, and
we want you there. You'll find the link in the show
notes. Big shout out as always to the fabulous dudes who
helped me make this show, my producer An editor, Andrew
Sims of Hypable Impact, my theme composer,
Riley Horbazio, and my show art creator,
Francois Vigneault. See you
next time.
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